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About Me

my name is Xuehui Hu, a PhD student at the department of engineering, King’s College London, UK, working with Prof. Nishanth Sastry(https://nishrs.github.io). My PhD project focuses on the analysis of online tracking across regions and potential risks of users’ privacy. The first sub-focus is the data tracking from first-party sites (visited sites from users) and third-party sites (other domains for tracking or other features). We developed and published a Chrome extension (http://bit.ly/2Nmg1Py) about third-party tracking visualisation for data collection. Another key to my study is GDPR that released in 2018 for EU regions. The way GDPR serves/protects users, pros and cons of data protection mechanism in different countries are both contributions. The last sub-focus is about the user demand for multi-account containers. Instead of the only assessment of the number of third parties, the risk based on the number of connections among third parties is the point.

I have 3-year Python experience on data analytics, 2-year Javascript (experience of add-on publishing) and data crawling by Selenium to support my research intern. According to my research fields,

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Contact Me

Email: xuehui.hu@kcl.ac.uk Having idea with my interested are? contact my email and we could discuss.